Sunday, December 12, 2010

Pollution prevention needed for Gulf of Maine

"The report, 'U.S. Gulf of Maine Habitat Restoration and Conservation Plan,' found that implementing conservation efforts -- including restoring fish and wildlife habitats, and developing ecosystem and ocean management plans -- will cost $3.03 billion, not including funding needed for the long term. The costliest initiative, at $2.7 billion, includes upgrading outdated sewage treatment systems to reduce pollution, remediating contaminated soils and launching stricter water quality testing. Restoring and conserving the gulf's ecosystems will create jobs and benefit the region's fishing, recreational and tourism industries, according to the report."

Downeaster extension gets more funds

Mainebiz: "The extension of the Amtrak Downeaster train from Portland to Brunswick currently under way is getting another boost from the feds.

Maine will receive another $3.3 million to help fund the $38.3 million project, scheduled for completion in 2012, on top of the $35 million the state has already received, according to The Associated Press."